The Theory of Everything Review (2014) | Homage to Jane and Stephen Hawking

Straight From a movie theory

The Theory of Everything is hands down James Marsh’s finest. It is a biopic of the living (something producers rarely pick) miracle, Stephen Hawking. The life of the prodigy is smitten with misfortunes, wonders, eurekas, not to forget the love of his life Jane Hawking who sacrificed everything normal just to be with the polymath.

Plot of The Theory of Everything

The life of Stephen Hawking is in itself a melodramatic narrative which doesn’t need any more filler to spice things up. It already reeks of mishaps and tragedies. What is worth noticing is the fact that despite all the adversities that dangled around in his life, that could have ended up becoming a documentary per se, Jane still had plenty to do in it. Nay, she was one of the primal forces! It was pulled off and buffed up brilliantly by Jane, without whom the master couldn’t have possibly ever made it.

still of Jane Hawking and Stephen Hawking in The Theory of Everything

So, The Theory of Everything movie packs in a story that scales the lives of both of them. It pays equal importance to its deuteragonist, and lets you have a good look into things that constituted their living.

Direction of the movie

One of the reasons The Theory of Everything movie stays highly revered in my head is because James Marsh tries his level best to present theories in the easiest way possible. Complex structures that general multitude wouldn’t get have been expounded brilliantly at different points of time. He presents simple examples to make us understand. He also endeavors to make things relate to us by explaining Hawking’s magnificent discoveries. Even whilst he diligently does that he makes sure not to miss out the fundament – the alluring drama that the flick gorgeously carries.

Marsh captures every aspect, every crossroad and setback that Hawking faced in his life with perfection. People tend to remember only the renowned. But what Marsh did by manifesting the parallel life of Jane Hawking, the mental agony she had to go through, the dilemma of not leading a normal life, the vexation of all the work she did, the hope that lit up her dead verve, the broken chance to escape from everything, and the jilted emptiness are far more beautiful and worth commending than the what Stephen clouded.

I have loved you. I did my best.

You can order The Theory of Everything here:

The Final Verdict

The story is also a beautiful reflection of a human mind’s conundrum. It shows how at one point love dies and no matter what you do, and no matter how close you were, it always meets the same agonizing fate. Comes a time when there is no other option but to let go. Sometimes for the sake of the happiness of your other half.

Stephen Hawking is a living epitome of hope. It just goes on to show us how a will to fight, a reason to live and the gusto to learn could stop a brain from dying. A movie that should not be missed for the world.

Check out the trailer of The Theory of Everything movie here:

The Theory of Everything













  • Excellent drama
  • Great direction
  • Marvelous biopic
  • Superb acting
  • Well produced screenplay


  • Hawking's theories got lost under drama

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