Deadpool Review (2016)

Still of Deadpool pointing a gun at a teddy movie wallpaper

Deadpool is here! Finally on the big screen. Our favorite antihero bags himself a movie and it has something to do with Polverine 😉 Let the fandom erupt!

It walks closely on the scales of comics although focuses on his origins more. The Vanessa Carlysle story is chosen to go with him in order to pack in the romance quotient. Writers take it all the way through. Tim Miller chooses to go with an oscillating presentation where he tries to merge up the current and the past later connecting us to the stream midway. Deadpool occasionally breaks the fourth wall for emphasis, and it does manage to pack in his comic quotient.

Action seqs are jaw dropping as the protagonist rolls midair, does impressive flips whilst performing enthralling takedowns. Gore speaks volume with the rad Deadpool guns. Heads drop, bodies get spattered, bones break and faces get battered to pulp. It is all in there just how you would have imagined it to be.

At no point in the movie does the humour stop. It is on an incessant unchecked ride that has so many Marvel and DC references that would put you in laughter fits. Watch out for Green Lantern, X-Men and Wolverine references! So many quick snappy comebacks that have been aced by Ryan Reynolds nicely. The Merc with a mouth has a flair that relates to the cool perfectly.

Other characters in the movie are great as well. Portrayals of Dopinder and Weasel go with the comedy bandwagon complementing the hilarity just fine. Whilst Ed Skrein mixes style and perversion beautifully. Stan Lee makes a cameo as usual and a hilarious post-credit scene waits for you in the end as well. Don’t miss that one!

The big downside of the movie is its plot. It weighs low on it since most of the times Deadpool is busy entertaining us with his sarcastic unceasing one-liners. Also, Negasonic Teenage Warhead gets lost in the chatter, and fails to make an impact.

But we tend to overlook all of that since it was supposed to be an entertainer anyhow.
Oh wait! Before I almost forget: “Beeeeeeeeeeeep you, Indian Censor Board!” You ruined it for us.














  • Justice to Deadpool's character
  • Outrageous fun
  • Great action
  • Rib tickling humour
  • Origin story unveiled


  • Not much to the plot

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