The dog who waited. Hachiko can never be forgotten. Hachi A Dog’s Tale movie makes sure of that too. It is hands down one of the best dog movies I have ever come across. If you haven’t seen it yet, go watch it at once!
Hachiko: The Dog Who Waited
Words fail to describe it, but tears don’t. It is that pious routine of waiting religiously every single day for his master to return, hoping one day he would show up, that makes Hachiko’s story a powerful one.
Hachiko wrote that story himself, with his unwavering conviction and undying love for his master. He lived it every single day and we can’t even begin to imagine the pang underneath those hopeful waiting eyes.

It was as if Hachiko was born for loyalty. Like every other dog, he housed unconditional love in his soul for his master, and it spoke volume through his wait. Ten years! Almost ten years he waited with an unvarying routine, without giving up until one day life gave up on him.
Can you imagine the yen in his eyes, the wait in his heart, and the constant struggle with disquiet in his soul, that too on an everyday basis? He literally lived through pain, an incessant mourning that never seemed to stop. He had him believe that his master would return. All of it, so heartbreaking that the sheer thought of it fills you up with tears.
Hachiko’s eyeful of hope had never heard of despair. His loyalty is no match to anything the world has to offer. Keeping that quotient in mind, the movie on Hachiko the dog was made.
The Movie Hachi A Dog’s Tale
Hachi: A Dog’s Tale did every bit justice to the poor Akita dog. It sways in with goodies galore and then snatches it away almost at once, kind of like life. Choice of Richard Gere as the professor was perfect. He brings warmth to his Parker Wilson character, sustaining himself on screen and then playing with his void.

Being a tad taciturn the movie, (depicting silence in a dog’s life) Hachi A Dog’s Tale tries to cash in on its extraordinary music. The constant stunning piano in the backdrop brings out a contemplative mien. The score of Hachi is composed by Jan A. P. Kaczmarek, and he does a fair job listing the gloom inside you alongside his notes.
The screenplay of Hachi: A Dog’s Tale at times go deep in its own laconic way.
Parker Wilson’s brief contemplation on music and life before he passes away oddly puts him amidst his thoughts.
“There’s an element of music that cannot be captured. Life cannot be captured. The human heart cannot be captured. The moment of creation itself is fleeting.”
At so many junctures people try to explain to the grief-stricken Hachiko, that the dead can’t return, but Hachi never gives up. All he had was his master, and the life he chooses is the one of a wait.
“You don’t have to wait anymore. He is not coming back.”
What tops that all is that Hachi wasn’t eloquent like us. He could only speak with his actions. With every loyal act of his, it appears as if a dagger is nailed into your heart. Such shattering pain it retains and this movie depicts it beautifully.
Giving Hachi A Dog’s Tale a Calm Direction
Lasse Hallstrom’s direction is magnificent as well. His frames carry tranquility. Hachi A Dog’sTale movie is kept slow paced to give you ample time to reflect. Whilst his frames depict the poor dog in pang, you can’t help but listen to your own thoughts of dejection.
For the better part of the movie, you realize how nobody really cares about Hachiko the dog. It is sad to watch the world pass by the poor thing without batting an eye for his story. It is a shame that the most humane world overlooks the most sentient dog sitting on the station all by himself waiting. But then comes that attention from the right area.
The time when Cate Wilson played by Joan Allen finds Hachi still waiting for at the station will rip you apart.
“You old thing, you are still waiting.”
The mute Akita’s eyes say a lot without actually saying anything. Hachiko was well casted, and well furbished. He has deep lamenting eyes that steer you towards the right direction of anguish.
You can order Hachi: A Dog’s Tale movie here:
Remembering the Dead
It goes without saying that Hachi A Dog’s Tale is one of the saddest movies ever made. Even sheer love that your dog oozes out when you return from some far-off place brings tears to your eyes. And this is Hachi you are talking about. His love is rare. Stories like that of Hachi’s need to be celebrated, and forever remembered.
Tears are indispensable. Sometimes you need them to wash down your pain. If you wish to see something that breaks you down almost instantly, Hachi A Dog’s Tale is the movie for you. Place it amongst your rare favorites.
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