A wonder-full movie! Wonder movie is based on R. J. Palacio‘s debut novel. Boy! Has it been adapted brilliantly! With Jacob Tremblay playing the main character of Auggie and doing a lot of justice to him, this movie becomes a beautiful and powerful tale that celebrates ‘different’. It is going to melt your heart on countless occasions. Wonder movie is riveting throughout and lets you relate to all its characters.
Unlike other movies where a protagonist-perspective is often brought into play for right about everything, Wonder movie doesn’t revolve around just Auggie, but all the people whose lives get affected owing to him.
Some lines are right there up with you. They sear you with a disheartening pang that is hard to escape if you are completely engrossed in the movie. There are numerous occasions in Wonder movie to make you all teary-eyed, and then there are plenty to lift up your spirits too.
When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind.
The fact that the writer understands people so well will make you want to read her even more. Either through her books or her adapted work. There is so much she has to say, and so much she understands that it is hard not to applaud her brain. More power to her! Keep impressing us with more of you Palacio!
Direction of Wonder Movie
If you have watched The Perks of Being a Wallflower you are already aware of the alluring style of Stephen Chbosky‘s direction. He has a superpower to make his films really enchanting. There is something magical in the way he depicts drama that makes you connect almost instantly.
The cast he has chosen here is simply amazing. Right from Nate, (Owen Wilson) the cool dad to the mother, Isabel (Julia Roberts) whose life has taken a major setback owing to Auggie’s arrival, not to forget the overlooked brave sister Via (Izabela Vidovic) and the struggling friend Jack Will (Noah Jupe). All of them have been extremely well executed in frames that together tell a melting story.
Chbosky experiments with the story he has, by playing it in the form of a book. Giving characters in the movie their own section of frames, where their own perspectives come into play. While what Via speaks into the ears of Auggie is inaudible to the parents, we find out about what was said in Via’s section. It is a brilliant way of showing a movie that keeps the audience on their toes. Also, it goes on to show how unaware we are about someone else’s perspective until we become them and until we start empathizing with their characters.
Like the fact that Via seemed really understanding from one look, and that if she was okay with all the attention Auggie got, is not only the viewer’s idea about her, but even that of the parent’s. It goes on to say – what we see, or what appears isn’t how things are. Brilliantly directed!
Jacob Tremblay as Auggie
While you can’t talk enough about this talented young kid, Jacob Tremblay keeps delivering every time he shows up in a movie. Whilst it is still hard to ignore his performances in Room and Before I Wake, he shows up how good he is in this beauty of a flick too. And how adorable he is! You can’t love him enough!
I am pretty sure you are secretly wishing Jacob Tremblay to not grow up. He is so cute, and that isn’t the only notion that’s winning him all the accolades but his ability to become versatile characters, so young.
Precepts are rules for really important things.
It is hard not to feel for Auggie when he is trying to find a place amongst others. He places fear and awkwardness in a contrasting optimistic light and visualizes himself how he wishes to be looked at. That’s one psychological lesson and smart life hack right there – When people are staring at you, you turn it into something powerful.
All the Hope
It is amazing how this little lad is brimming with hope at all times. His pain so understandable, and his ecstasy immensely enjoyable! Feeling for him is something you cannot avoid throughout. Watching him rise is like watching your own kid rise. When you watch him struggle you just want to be there for him. Now that’s the power of acting! Making you feel for painted characters, and tying it all to your thread.
I know you don’t always like it, but I love it. It’s my son’s face.
At one point you are thinking what’s going on in his head? It’s all so relatable. If you put yourself in the shoes of Auggie everything the child is thinking and everything the child is going through can be empathized with. You think about all the thoughts that were said out loud, and that weren’t, and you realize it is an insanely depressing situation. You realize the huge import of finding your place in a world that considers a certain face to be akin to normal, like there’s a standard to everything we see.
To take birth in abnormality, and to face the very definition of normalcy is bound to emit sparks. Even though you are aware of what all things are going to happen, to witness it through the eyes of a small child is exceedingly painful.
On being asked what his superpower would be, Auggie says,
I’d be invisible.
And you can understand why he chose that answer! Poor child!
Julia Roberts as Isabel
Julia Roberts gives a great performance as Isabel. You can read genuine pain, trouble, and concern on her face when Auggie isn’t doing fine. It is hard not to put yourself in the shoes of Isabel.
Wonder movie plants you in her feet and you become her. All the emotions, they go through you, and you are crying with her, feeling happy for Auggie when he makes a new friend.
Dear God, please let them be nice to him.
There are lines in Wonder that will shake you up, scintillate your soul, and connect with you on an emotional level. All of them have been beautifully imagined.
We all have marks on our faces. (pointing towards face) This is the map that shows us where we are going. (pointing towards heart) This is the map that shows us where you have been.
Isabel says all the right words to a child going through a tough time. But in doing so she misses out parenting a girl who has learned to take care of herself – her other child.
Izabela Vidovic as Via
Izabela Vidovic’s portrayal for Via can’t be forgotten either. Whilst at one hand, you find this really strong image of a girl who is completely okay with her parents focusing all their attention on the child who deserves all the attention. On the other hand, you find her completely vulnerable and missing out on all the love.
If they stare let them stare. You can’t blend in when you were born to stand out.
Via is insanely strong and you realize that her problems, however, small, insignificant and mundane they might appear, are problems too. That she too deserves an eye in a family that is struggling to be normal, and be consumed and accepted by the world as one of their own.
When you look at Via’s character you realize that she has been put in a really smart move. It is a contrasting image that Wonder movie shows when they try to show how a person gets neglected even when you are focusing on someone who really needs it.
Other Cherishable Characters
Among other characters brilliantly woven are that of Jack Will’s and Julian’s (Bryce Gheisar‘s). While Jack Will is a child like any other, who is torn apart in a world that’s twisted and a world that isn’t, he shows what any other child would do in a situation he is put in. While he makes mistakes and amends them, it is endearing to watch the reconciliation in the flick.
The latter is the problem child, who shows us the bitter truth. He is like the reality eyeing us up good. You cannot enforce kindness in people, but you can help them learn their own lessons of humanity.
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Then you cannot also overlook the cooperating brainy principal Mr. Tushman (Mandy Patinkin) who does all the right thing, saying all the right words, and deals with crooked people with a hard to imitate kindness.
“I think there should be a rule that everyone in the world should get a standing ovation at least once in their lives.”
The Final Verdict
You cannot just commend one person for turning Wonder into something that’s astoundingly powerful. It is a team effort that deserves countless accolades. I guess it would be safe to say that “they should make more movies!”
There are so many life lessons imbibed in this tale that it feels like education, and whatever it stands for.
If you really want to see what people are, all you have to do is look.
Wonder movie will leave you intensely satisfied when you leave the theatre. Go watch this one!