The following section holds 2014 movie releases. All amazing films of 2014 have been placed under one leaflet. You might wonder why a lot of them are still missing from the category. Actually the website idea was still under conception at that time, hence I could only manage so much. Straight from a Movie tries to focus only on the best movies from 2014 herein.
However, I reassure you if there’s a movie worth watching that I have missed I will try to put it in there as we go ahead.
2014 Movie Releases No Longer in Theatres?
Now since these movies are already out of theatres, the only way we are left with is to watch it by either renting it or purchasing its DVD. Don’t worry we have got you covered on that front too. Every movie retains a buying link that takes you straight to Amazon. You can rent or purchase the movie from there. The choice is yours.
Enjoy our 2014 movie releases list. Check out their ratings and reviews. Let our perspective seep in to help you into making the right decision.

Big Eyes Review (2014)

Frank Review (2014)

Asterix and Obelix: Mansion of the Gods Review (2014)

What We Did on Our Holiday Review (2014)

The Water Diviner Review (2014)

It Follows Review (2014)
If by chance you don’t find a movie you have been looking for in the list, let’s face the obvious – No time to update. But if you still want a movie to make our list of best movies of 2014, I would highly recommend you suggest me so that I grab a copy myself. I appreciate a good movie and can’t wait to tell you enough how much I love watching one.
With that I will let you know what I think of it, bring your focus to the good in it, and help you understand the complicated things from all those 2014 movie releases you would fling at me.
That Timely Process
All the above 2014 movie releases have happened over a time period. Earlier the concept of Straight From a Movie hadn’t even flickered my mind, and hence many of those films of 2014 stood unwritten, and still in my head. However, I managed to pen many as days passed. Hopefully yours make the cut in our 2014 movie releases list. Can’t wait to see what you have to say about all these wonderful 2014 movie releases.