Mad Max: Fury Road movie wallpaper

Mad Max Fury Road Review (2015)

Mad Max Fury Road is madness unleashed. Two hours of orgasmic insanity taken up on the vanguard by mind-numbing action, melting music of high-octane engine revving, breathtaking inane takedowns, colossal beastly war machines that only speak of destruction, flying rad bikes that skim the dunes with pizzazz and the unceasing adrenaline rush that doesn’t let …

Straight from a movie Fast and Furious 7

Furious 7 Review (2015)

“For Paul” Furious 7 is all about flying Lykan, shattered skyscrapers, mammoth bullets, Gatling rounds, super-amped destruction, relentless drone syndrome, Jaa’s Parkour, badass rides, skimpily clad models, exquisite close calls, death defying moments, Herculean jobs, mind numbing head-ons and badass action. This movie is an action-pack adrenaline pumping madness just like its predecessor. But does …