This page intends to carry great French films that I have been recommended or I have found scrounging on the web. I would really appreciate if you guys could suggest some great French films to me. French Cinema is hands down one of the best in the world, and the poetic vibes they put in their movies is beyond comparison. They make great loves stories too, which I really look forward to watching.
Keep coming to this leaflet to find great French films lurking here. Here’s the collection I have so far:

Paying Tribute to The Epic French Biopic The Intouchables Movie
It has been like what, nine years now, since the epic movie The Intouchables movie hit the theatres, right? I think a movie like this needs to be celebrated time and again despite the year. And the music, ah! The music still resounds in my head all day. I am so much in love with it that Ludovico Einaudi's Una Mattina is now perched up comfortably in my playlist. It ...