This category is conspicuously made to hold rare gems from Iranian Cinema. Here we intend to put top Persian films that we come across.
Their movies are a heart-wrenching revolt that must be shared with the world. We intend to keep adding movies to this list, in order to make a collection of sorts of only the best top Persian films that have ever been helmed.
Finding Top Persian Films
The growth in this category seems like a far-fetched dream primarily because hundreds of films get made each year. If we were to cover each one of the countries, up that number to a thousand, and we would still not be close to covering them all.
But the primal goal is to find those rare gems that have won not only accolades but hearts all across the globe. The ones that are silent killers, the ones that compel you to shed a tear once you have watched them, the ones that force you to find a corner to cry. We are down for them.
Impactful deep cinema will always be our first preference as usual. If you have any suggestions you are more than welcome to comment in the comment section below. Once we watch it, we would try our best to get it on board here.
Amongst the top Persian films that we have, the best one that we have come across so far is Forushande. The movie is a silent revolt per se. It is a flawless masterpiece that forces you to brood. I have come to know that the director of the film – Asghar Farhadi is a huge name in the Persian industry.
To read the complete review and analysis of the movie, just click on the image below, or you could alternatively click on Read more or the title of the film:

The Song of Sparrows Review (2008) | ‘Avaze gonjeshk-ha’ | Remarkable

The Salesman Movie Review Forushande (2016) | Makes You Question Human Actions
If you like our reviews of Persian films, you can try exploring Indian Cinema too.