Luca movie is a fun joyride. Just like any other Pixar and Disney creation, Luca is an absolute entertainer. Teeming with culture, values, humor, and plenty of lessons for everybody, the movie explores a new backdrop altogether – Sea Monsters.
Pixar has covered almost every area, land, water, sea. You name it, they are everywhere and they don’t just make your average random flick, their movies are always riddled with emotions. Luca is no different.
It is an allegory for those who are afraid to leave their bubble, on friendship, and about following your dreams. It is also a lesson for parents who are overprotective of their children, of how their fears and apprehensions often stand in the way of their children’s glory.
Plot and Theme of Luca Movie
Luca is a sea monster who has been told to stay away from the land creatures all his life. It is the water bubble he is in that he has been perceiving from the eyes of the others, that keeps him in check. But he experiences life’s greatest pleasures outside that bubble when he meets Alberto who teaches him so many things about life outside.
Together they build a dream that they are going to lead if they were to traverse amongst the land creatures. Luca’s longing, power, and curiosity help Alberto turn that dream into a reality. They embark on an adventure to chase that dream and in the process learn so many things about human life, emotions, and how there are some things that are important than the materialistic.
If you tack it against real life, the movie is riddled with metaphors on every front. You have built a life around yourself in your comfort zone and you are scared to venture out because of your insecurities. But the outside promises a happening life. It is only when you take a leap of faith that you realize that good things follow.
Silenzio Bruno!
One of life’s biggest lessons gets delivered by Alberto when he tells Luca about how there is always a Bruno, a scared meek guy inside you who is always stopping you from taking on challenges. All you have to do is scream “Silenzio Bruno!” and do the thing that you are afraid of.
Hands down, one of life’s most powerful lessons delivered in the form of a jest. How many times have you listened to Bruno? How many times have you become nervous just thinking about taking on a challenge? The secret to overcoming is simply insane courage. All you have to do is silence that Bruno guy inside you and just do it!
If you think about all those places where you took charge, you realize there were a hundred others who were busy listening to their Brunos and not taking an action. If you take a leap of faith, even though there’s a possibility of failure, there’s still a 50% possibility of success. While the rest didn’t even try. Their possibility of success is zero.
You have to silence that Bruno, close your eyes, and jump. Just bloody do it, despite all the nervousness, despite all the nerve-racking whirlwind that is going to consume you for few seconds. Those tremors will ease soon after and the result will be, well, you will see for yourself.

Parents of Luca
The parents of Luca are akin to the people who worry too much about their children. You just got to understand this – they are going to be alright!
The biggest teacher in your life is none other than you. Let the child fall and learn to stand up. Let him fall again, and let him stand up again on his feet. You do not have to intervene. You do not have to lift them up.
All you could do as a parent is entertain them with a piece of advice. You cannot and should not stop them from venturing. That’s how they will learn things in the first place.
When I look back in life now, on how many times I have been stopped or intersected, I end up with loads of regret of having not tried a lot of things, of limiting myself, my capabilities because of the fears and trepidations of my parents. If only they would have worked on the parental adage that I mentioned above, things would have been a lot different.
The most amazing thing that you could do to your child is let them become self-dependent. Almost everything will be taught to him/her on the way. Being independent is the best teacher. You learn the craft of living, how to earn money, your dreams and aspirations follow your thoughts, and you start acting in that direction.
Just like a bird, you have to understand when your child has got wings, and then you just have to push them and let them learn to fly on their own.
Friends and Enemies (Spoilers)
In their adventure to chase Vespa, both Luca and Alberto come across both good and bad elements. Whilst Giulia is one of those characters that help them in so many ways, Ercole is the movie villain in the form of a bully who has been created quite brilliantly. The wittiness and perversion are right on.
The fact that Ercole is looking for sea monsters himself apart from trying to be the no. 1 champ, adds that extra bit of tension to the story. You are constantly wondering what if Luca and Alberto get caught?
In the climax of the Luca movie you are forced to chew on your worst fears, and it is good to see Ercole getting poetic justice.
The movie scores high on visuals as you can see from the images above. Here’s The Art of Luca book that gives you an exclusive look behind the scenes of the Luca film:
Shortcomings of Luca Movie
Toward the end of the movie when you see everyone having a change of heart, you feel that part was very undercooked and rushed. The movie leapfrogs for the finish line when it could have actually built on some drama there.
Everything happens so fast that it is hard to believe that the land creatures were the same people who hated the sea monster to the core and wanted them killed. To let them stand amongst them almost immediately after Massimo melts almost instantaneously, was a hard undersell when the creators could have at least made that bit into a debatable melodrama.
The Final Verdict
Overall the movie is brimming with energy, great humour, and lessons. Great stuff for your children, even greater stuff for the parents. You can call it a great family movie.