ant man movie wallpaper

Ant-Man Review (2015)

Marvel hardly fails to marvel. Ant-Man was always on the cards, and when the time came to epitomize the superhero, they were successful in delivering it quite brilliantly. Peyton Reed wraps up a beauty of a superhero from the squad of superheroes to help Marvel climb another successful ladder of spinoffs. Now we wait for …

spy movie wallpaper

Spy Review (2015)

Spy is hilarious! “I’ve swallowed enough microchips and shit them back out again to make a computer!” You know what you are in for when you have hilarious lines like that. Spy simply breathes on McCarthy’s excellent comic timing, Peter Serafinowicz’s horniness (boy that doesn’t stop at all), Statham’s goofiness (he can do anything!), Byrne’s …