Simply blown away by Foxcatcher! Outstanding performances! PLOT OF FOXCATCHER Bennett Miller’s wonder Foxcatcher, is primarily a psychological study of exceptional characters portrayed superbly by Steve Carell, Channing Tatum and Mark Ruffalo. Based on a true story of brethren Mark Schultz and Dave Schultz, the tale is an account of how their lives changed when …
Every year the Academy slips in a frowned spurn at a movie that is on everybody’s mind. This time ‘Boyhood’ became the bait. The coming-of-age tale that spread brilliantly over the span of 12 years, was a sure shot per se. But alas! the Oscars have a reputation in doing the unthinkable. ‘Birdman’ beat Linklater’s …
X-Men: Days of Future Past is stark brilliant! Boo you Ratner! We don’t want you messing with it again! So I knew the flick was going to make me jump on my seat since Time Travel was entailed and boy it did! SPOILERS To begin with we have the punishing and ravaging Sentinels, there designs …
Marvel has simply blown us away! Guardians of the Galaxy packs in a marvel-lous story with awesome humour. I think we are in the era wherein Marvel can’t possibly do anything wrong. Whatever it touches turns to gold. True story! “You said it yourself, bitch!” James Gunn is a super-rad director planted in the perfect …
“I don’t feel pain, fear, desire. It’s like all things that make us human are fading away.” Lucy is shimmering with a beautiful concept. Scarlett has literally touched the other side. All the projects she has taken over the years have inadvertently pushed her above the average 10% human capability, so she proves with her …
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is a perfect example of how to make a perfect movie. We saw the gradual development of a baby ape into an intelligent leader in Rise. In Dawn, we see him reign. Reeves offers us an insight, a glimpse about the impending chaos in a Simian afflicted world. …
The Maze Runner finds the movie it deserves. Wes Ball’s first big direction venture can’t be ignored. Albeit Dashner hands him over his brilliant tale on a silver platter, Wes still makes it appear equally great. SPOILERS Dashner’s The Maze Runner is a reflection of our real world. It makes you ponder, if we too …
Deliver Us from Evil is not a horror movie exactly. Primarily because there is nothing to be afraid of. Yes, there is exorcism entailed but it doesn’t make you even flinch. That being said, if you don’t look at it as a horror flick you might actually enjoy the story. Deliver Us from Evil Horror …
Dracula Untold is told by a beautiful dark direction of the newbie Gary Shore, Stoker’s tale has found a perfect variant. Luke is ravishing in the drac shoes and the tale of Dracula Untold is brilliantly scripted. There are subtle glimpses that Shore uses like depicting rad scenes of war through the dead eyes of …
Robert Duvall is outstanding and so is Robert Downey Jr. in the movie The Judge. SPOILERS Little outbursts and disagreements of the duo have been executed brilliantly and framed exceptionally well by Dobkin. The bit where Duvall rushes up in high squall carrying a temper whilst Downey follows for war is one of the most …