Tag Archives: movie review

Ant-Man Review (2015)

ant man movie wallpaper

Marvel hardly fails to marvel. Ant-Man was always on the cards, and when the time came to epitomize the superhero, they were successful in delivering it quite brilliantly. Peyton Reed wraps up a beauty of a superhero from the squad of superheroes to help Marvel climb another successful ladder of spinoffs. Now we wait for …

Tomorrowland Review (2015)

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Bird soars! Disney’s fast paced sci-fi adventure Tomorrowland is an entertaining package. With a great fantastical story in its vanguard, the flick unfurls into a beauty thanks to powerful performances by Clooney, Hugh Laurie and the brilliant Britt Robertson. What constantly gallops the story is its mystery quotient that unfolds gorgeously with luster, amazement and …

Furious 7 Review (2015)

Straight from a movie Fast and Furious 7

“For Paul” Furious 7 is all about flying Lykan, shattered skyscrapers, mammoth bullets, Gatling rounds, super-amped destruction, relentless drone syndrome, Jaa’s Parkour, badass rides, skimpily clad models, exquisite close calls, death defying moments, Herculean jobs, mind numbing head-ons and badass action. This movie is an action-pack adrenaline pumping madness just like its predecessor. But does …