Release the Snyder Cut Movement | The Story of Zack Snyder

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What an insane victory! Release the Snyder Cut Movement finally comes to fruition. It has been an emotional joyride, and what a ride has it been.

I often revisit the time when I first saw the 2017 version of Justice League considering it to be wholly Zack Snyder’s movie. As I watched it, I had no knowledge whatsoever of how the movie was being incapacitated by a man I was going to hate in days to come. Not for the fact that he was a bloke from Marvel, for I have nothing against the studios, but for the sheer fact of how Joss Whedon treated everyone around him. The abuse showed in his work too, and nothing could possibly have stopped the 2017 debacle from falling on its face.

Taking a Look Back at Joss Whedon’s Debacle

Joss feels like an egotistic maniac now whose presence felt barged in, into a world that was being carefully crafted. The man literally ripped another man’s vision apart piece by piece with his mediocrity, without knowing the ins and outs of the characters of DC. He didn’t have the slightest clue about the import of these characters in our lives, how divine they are to us, the very significance they reflect. What these characters mean to us – the real fans!

The worst feeling, I remember, was how this man almost got away with it. What he did was criminal, not to mention an equally unserious studio that was invariably calling all the shots. But watching him go unscathed, after having done the damages, above all, having the audacity to like the tweets of those who criticized his movie, I mean, what was that about? As if you deliberately wanted the Justice League movie to not succeed.

But I was relieved beyond limit, when I saw the first nod on the ever so elusive Snyder cut by Zack himself. Its very existence gave us fans hope – the one that Superman often talks about.

Snyder – An Incessant Victim of Cyber Bullying

When I think of Zack, I see this awe-inspiring human being who is revered by everyone around him, even though a majority of the multitude hate him for the very fact that he has been toying with the DC legends. In fact, haters hate him for no reason at all, attacking him and bullying him with personal comments, as if he were a cyborg.

I mean you gotta admit that he is crazy strong mentally. It is quite apparent when you see him go on despite all the bully and the targeted disparaging detestation that he receives regularly. The man lost his daughter for crying out loud! Have we become so inhuman and callous towards a fellow human being that we can’t see past our hatred for someone? Can’t we stop dissing even when a man’s at his worst?

I still believe he is very underrated, made even more so by people dressed up as critics, the born fault-finders like my sisters, who would rather point out what they didn’t like about a thing, rather than appreciating what they did like about something. What further tries to work against him is the vortex that he is caught in – the neverending DC vs Marvel war. It is like a perennial curse that only goes strong against every rival in the world, in a race against time to prove which one is better. Alas! He is right in the middle of it, wading.

Despite so many hate-mails that drop in on him on a daily basis and so many things going against, not to mention even the nature ploying against him, Zack Snyder walks tall. I have the utmost respect for him. Growing up I have often heard myself saying to his haters – Why don’t you leave the poor guy alone?

Zack Snyder – The Man, The Myth, The Legend Behind The Released Movement of His Cut

Whether or not he makes critically acclaimed films remains a debatable topic to date. I take respite in the fact that the level of big projects he handles has only garnered him more approvals. I see him as a misread poet, and that’s why I connect with him on so many levels.

My very own mind-boggling moment of his insane panache came to light when I had witnessed 300 for the first time. But what took me by complete surprise was when he went on to make a short film using just an iPhone. He used a frigging iPhone to make an intense visually appealing silent film that spoke so many words that you can’t help but wonder what a virtuoso he truly is.

Check out the cool trailer of the short film I am talking about here:

Revisiting the Ratings of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice – Movement Release of Snyder Cut

Memories from the past often gush in when I try to remember how I had thoroughly enjoyed the extended cut of Batman v Superman, the one that the studio didn’t meddle with. Like every fan out there, I had absolutely relished every bit marveling at the poetry that the movie carried in its frames, and basked in the glory of its extraordinary music helmed by Hans Zimmer.

If you look at the ratings Batman v Superman got, you realize how easy it is to maneuver people. Most of them rated the movie based on how much they hate Zack Snyder, some rated it based on the DC-Marvel cold war while some didn’t like the one particular Martha moment in the movie.

All these ratings and reasonings, if you pay close attention to them, they make no sense. It has nothing to do with the art he portrays. They are based on sheer hatred for the man or a fight against the institution he represents or based on just one mistake.

The latter tells a lot about us as human beings. Think about a good relationship you had, and how one, just one screw-up jeopardized the whole thing. Does it feel justified?

Batman v Superman was an artistic achievement, that got ridiculed owing to just one moment that people couldn’t handle. The whole movie became bad according to the critic because of a few mistakes. Everything else got overlooked.

I would never get over the fact that people remain judgmental monsters. Despite what you give them, if one experience makes it bad, nothing can ever open man’s eye to all the good you ever did.

The End Result and the Final Revolution – The Movement of the Snyder Cut Final Release

The best part of this whole movement is hands down, the end result. This Release the Snyder Cut movement is a true reflection of a true democracy. The way a conglomerate, here WB had to bow down to the will of the people, it’s a rare achievement per se. We had never imagined such a thing would happen in the movie world, never thought what we used to see in the movies would happen in the real world too.

It goes on to show the power of the people, and literally holds true on the very sentence the Justice League movie carries.

He has never fought us, not us united.

It just goes on to show that justice always prevails.

ZSJL is like the very personification of the moniker that the movie carries. Justice finally gets served!

It is also quite exemplary how some snobs don’t accept the work of others. Instead of treating Zack’s work, the man who had just lost his daughter, carefully, Warner Bros. brought in a wretch to finish off a movie for the sake of their business. They could have waited but they didn’t.

Now that the Snyder Cut is out, and seeing how much more badass it is in terms of action and story, the Joss Whedon cut feels stupid, and pointless. I have tried to put them in comparison and there has been so much that was missing or unbaked in the Whedon version. So glad that it all worked out with Release the Snyder Cut Movement.

Have you watched it yet? Please drop in your thoughts below:

Check out the making of the Snyder Cut video by HBO Max here:

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